Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Adventures!

I am in the midst of a big road trip from Austin, TX to Washington State.

So I wrote about it and put some photos on my website blog.

Check it out!

Much love,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

To whom it may concern....

I have begun blogging on my website!

I will likely continue to blog here from time to time, but I will likely focus my energy on the blog.

Check it out, y'all!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bread & Words

I had a realization earlier while cleaning that it is pretty funny to say "I'm a songwriter." It's almost like saying "I'm a journaler." I believe anyone can create songs... and while it is something I love to do and have a passion and talent for.... when it all boils down, songwriting is just my favorite way to make sense of the world (inside and outside of myself.) I find myself thinking up lines and words all the time, and running to my notebook or phone to keep track of all my "song scraps." It's a fun practice, and way to detail the little moments in daily life, random thoughts, etc. And then I sit down to write a song and I have all of these fun phrases to work with. :)

I am part of a group called "Songwriters Anonymous" that meets twice a month and writes songs based on a prompt. We eat soup and homemade bread, drink wine, and share our songs before selecting a prompt for the following group. After participating for the past few months, my prompt was finally picked! The prompt for the next song is "Bread and Words." :)

I also had the honor of hosting a songwriter circle featuring some of my talented Songwriter Anonymous friends this sunday. We had a lot of fun and will likely do it again. I'm so grateful for my songwriter family. Here is a picture of Kit Nelson, the latest Bellingham to Austin recruit. She was our featured guest at the Songwriters Anonymous show, and I'm so happy to have here here. We're already working on a very irreverent song, and I couldn't be more pleased. :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Springing Forward

I've arrived safely home after a beautiful journey to Memphis, for the Folk Alliance Conference. For 4 full days and nights, I lived in a hotel with amazing musicians from around the world, heard fantastic music non-stop, volunteered tons, and pretty much fell in love with everyone and everything. Whole I did work most of the time I was there, hosting several showcase rooms and doing hallway "security" during the late night showcases, it ended up being the best thing because I got to meet a lot of people. I pretty much couldn't stop smiling.... except for the times I was moved to tears by songwriters Alicia McGovern and Phoebe Hunt .

My room was on the top floor of the Marriott Hotel, where the conference took place. The top 4 floors were dedicated to late night showcase rooms, so from 10:30-3am my bedroom was a showcase as you can image I got little sleep. The amazing men of the Cumberland Collective had a room across the hall from mine, and the party never stopped. I have some fond memories of late night singing my heart out in their room...they had some epic jams and were all about the participation. :)

After hosting showcases and doing security I would go to late(r) night jams at the Constant Clip Records room, where I had the joy of being surrounded by crazy amazing songwriters and enjoying a more mellow vibe than the party-central surrounding my room.

I am excited to be back in Austin, and have been continuing to write new songs, play out, and network as much as I can. SXSW is in 10 days and I am so excited to meet even more amazing musicians from around the world!

Also, I am excited to attend the Kerrville Folk Festival and the Fayetteville Roots Festival this summer- who's coming with me? :)

Until next time,
<3 Daisy

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Won't you be mine?

Valentines day is almost over.... with minutes to spare, I give you this song.


Much Love,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Beatles-Inspired Video Blog

I made a little video blog today which features my home and garden (complete with ever-present sirens!), and a Beatles medley I came up with today. Check it out HERE. :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dialing it in: New Website

Life is all about trying something new- seeing how it goes- and revamping as needed. I struggle with this process. I want to do everything perfect the first time, and my huge lesson these past few months has been all about taking baby steps with everything (from scrubbing moldy showers to memorizing songs).

I am procrastinating on memorizing songs, figuring out how I want them to sound, and getting my own press materials together. Press photos? Haven't scheduled the photo shoot! Domain name- it will still be there when I want it, right?

On this note, I decided to start putting together my first website, thanks to the miracle of blog sites that help you get started. Please check out my new website! It's a draft and I would love feedback. The photo is adorable but will change as I get new photos. I want the website to be bright, personable, and reflect who I am and what I'm doing quickly. I am an artist, I love supporting other artists, and I'm good at it.... but how do you say that? And make it inspiring/compelling?

In two weeks I will be heading to Memphis for the annual Folk Alliance Conference. I would love to have my website dialed in and nice business cards by then....but I am still working on defining/branding/marketing who I am and what exactly I am offering. So we'll see!

Rainy day blessings from Austin!

p.s. I love rainy days here. They are so refreshing and I feel okay with staying inside/in coffee shop all day and getting stuff DONE!